Archive for February 17, 2010

Fail to plan and you plan to fail!

It all starts with intention!

How can I get to where I want to be? Your goal may be to lose your stomach that has grown bigger over the years. It might be strength related (to handstand for 1 minute). It may be to get to financial freedom or to help more people achieve their goals than you have previously. Your goals are so varied I could not list them all.

I recently heard a fantastic speaker list his 6 point plan to success!

1.Optimism – A reason to believe our future can be positive. If I have a mind set that I am going to experience positivity then I will attract that to me. The same can be said of negativity. What are you focused on?

2. Influence – The ability to and the belief I can influence my future. If I believe I can then I can. If I believe I can’t then I can’t. It is ALL about belief.

3. Purpose – Know what we want and why we want it! If you dont know then start to meditate on what it is you want and then answer the BIG question, Why do I want that?

4. Plan – This is simply “some idea” of how I can make my plan happen. If I dont plan I will have no direction. If there is a system that someone else has developed that can get me to my goal then that will be my plan.

5. Support – A positive and encouraging emotional environment. There are people who will be unhappy to see you succeed at your goals. Surround yourself with likeminded people and avoid the ones who try to pull you down. They are not part of your journey.

6. Adversity – The biggest killer of creativity. It is part of life so if I have allready a contingency plan then I will just keep my eye on my goal.

My path may detour but I will still move forward.

Here are a few of my favourite recent quotes.

If I cant then I must.

I only fear what I do not understand.

If I dont stand for something then I will fall for everything.

No-one can make me feel inferior without my consent.

Tim James CPT Kettlebell Instructor

February 17, 2010 at 1:43 pm Leave a comment

February 2010


